winter sessions Schedule
Session 1: Jan 13 - feb 22
session 2: mar 3 - apr 12
Monday 5:00-5:55 Intermediate
5:30-8:30 Team
Tuesday 9:15-10:00 Tumblekids
4:30-5:25 Beginner
5:30-6:15 Tumblekids
6:15-7:00 Tumblekids
7:00-8:30 Advanced
Wednesday 4:30-5:25 Beginner
5:30-8:30 Team
Thursday *10:30-11:15 Gymtots (3 and under w/ caregiver)
4:30-5:15 Tumblekids
5:15-6:00 Tumblekids
6:00-6:55 Beginner
7:00-8:30 Advanced
Friday 4:30-5:15 Tumblekids
5:20-6:15 Beginner
6:20-7:15 Intermediate
7:20-8:15 Intermediate
Saturday 9:00-9:45 Tumblekids
10:00-10:55 Beginner/Intermediate
11:00-12:30 Advanced
12:00-3:00 Team
There will be two, six-week sessions.
Our year begins with the school year. if you attended the Fall Session, your annual registration fee was included, and already paid for the year. You will NOT need to pay it again for the Winter Sessions.
IF YOU DID NOT ATTEND THE FALL SESSION, YOU WILL NEED TO PAY THE $30 ANNUAL REGISTRATION FEE IN ADDITION TO THE TUITION. If you sign up for the Spring or Summer Sessions, you will not need to pay this fee again.
Tumblekids: $100
Beginner and Intermediate: $110
Advanced: $125
Gymtots: $10 per class (includes adult and can be paid on a weekly basis)